Tuesday 3 November 2015
04:44 0



Although the leaders of the Democratic Kampuchea Khmer Rouge refused to confess themselves as Samdech Norodom Sihanouk launched, they always claim, insisting that their revolutionary red. Red is the color representing the Khmer Rouge communist ideology has always taken so far.
The Khmer Rouge have ambition want their revolution Unlike most great features not modeled any of the country's revolution. But even so will be able to see clearly that the revolution of the Khmer Rouge is similar revolution of Mao Tse Tung in China in the late 60's. Some point in the politics of the Democratic Kampuchea regime which reflects the Maoist-style ideological.
First Khmer Rouge to take pro-equality perspective in French égalitarisme ie, all people have equal status no poor, no rich no oppressors and the oppressed. Civil servants and business people who are in forced evacuation to the countryside to equal employment is causing increasing collective. Get back is also fairly divided, each received the diet and used equally. Private property were abolished. Likewise for the currency, because the Khmer Rouge understand that money is a factor that leads to exploitation of the poor and the rich. Even using a language called equality. Basically, they call each other, friends or comrades. But the thing credible Ironically most is they observed that under the Equality popular Cambodian people are divided into two status disparity is old people refer to those who live under the rule of the Khmer Rouge before the 1975 and new people or April 17, referring to the people who were evacuated next day, April 17, 1975.
Another Khmer Rouge second-minded French Utopisme means a society want to be perfectly clean society without social injustice as a prosperous independence. But this is just beyond imagination beyond reality as possible.

In addition to third-Maoist Communist ideology has been observed that the Khmer Rouge are also nationalist views. Such is the ultra-nationalist views Hitler in Germany during World War 2. Adolf Hitler understood that Germany is a great one. Are from racial mixing German weakened. And hence under the control of Hitler Germany has adopted a national political purify their slaughter methods Juif and other minorities.
Likewise, they understand that the original Khmer Rouge leaders is a strong clean without exploitation and oppression. Mixed with other nations such as China, Vietnam, Cham Khmer hollowed out. And hence under the rule of the Khmer Rouge foreigners were subjected to intense harassment. Language, culture, traditions and customs of foreign nationals are strictly forbidden. Even one who is married with one organization. No one has the right to choose asunder on my own.
In short, the Maoist Khmer Rouge communist ideology and the ultra-nationalist way Hitler.


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